We stand for giving the power back to the people. To do so, we believe that voters should pursue strategic registration - meaning that for the next election, they should register with the party where the their vote would have the greatest chance of successfully advancing the their priorities for the country. Furthermore, voters, once strategically registered, should vote in every primary!
A voter may change his or her registration every election cycle, depending on the mix of local, state and national elections that are upcoming.
Level Politics is here to help voters decide for themselves what their current and future registration should be. For that, we will provide data and graphics that are easy to understand. We’ll provide links to other information that may be helpful, and certainly to the information that we reference and upon which we rely.
If we have more resources, we will help candidates to challenge incumbents in both parties with a “best practices for campaigning” toolbox. We will provide training for candidates who support mainstream policies that must be addressed* but that are not being addressed due to partisan gridlock. Some of our training will include how to get on a ballot, how to build and leverage your network on social media to get the word out, and how to “get out the vote”. Ultimately, our goal would be to pry control of candidates away from the political parties and give it back to the voter’s votes. This would enable the candidates to exercise their best judgement and personal values, to honestly disagree with their parties and even their voters, and to do what they think is right for the country and their constituents.
Currently, we view Level Politics as a series of experiments. As such, we will share our priorities, and will experiment with how best to get the word out and influence primary elections. Ultimately, our goal is to improve the gene pool of politicians we have serving us, both in terms of quality, and in terms of each of their personal skills (through training and education). We inherently believe in government. With that premise, we need to make it work better -with the same or fewer resources than it currently consumes.
*For example - Addressing climate change and preparing for its negative impact, revitalizing our infrastructure, enacting sensible gun control measures around assault weapons and background checks, paying down our national debt, helping families afford to raise their kids through initiatives like universal pre-K, helping people afford a college education, providing the family planning resources needed so that abortion is increasingly rare, and safe.