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Taking America Back, One Voter Registration At A Time

How can ordinary citizens changing their party registration heal our nation?

…..It makes sense that people would register with the political party that most represents their priorities……….until it doesn’t make sense. That time is when the political system has become so poisonous that a small group of extremists can seize power. That time has come. It is time to take our political system back from them.

YOU can make a difference for this great country.

In republican led states and districts, the GOP is using democrats’ voter registrations against them. And in democratic led states and districts, the democrats are using republican voters’ registrations against them. They are ensuring that the opposing parties’ votes are worthless in both the primaries and the general election.

In most districts, your primary vote is the only vote that matters. And citizens often squander their primary votes by voting in the primaries of parties that they like, but which will never win in the general election (or voters don’t vote at all). And the funny thing is - politicians are counting on you wasting your vote!

But you can change the status quo. And indeed, only you can change it - by registering with the party that strategically makes the most sense for you, given your geography, priorities and current representation.

Think about where your primary vote matters most for the 2022 election. Where would you do more good by voting - in the democratic primary or the republican primary?

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