About us
Level Politics was formed to help people maximize the power of their votes. We believe that government can and must address pressing issues like climate change, gun violence and election integrity.
But the political parties have temporarily sidelined voters. And extremists voters have been able to hijack the electoral process through their voting power in the primaries. Meanwhile, mainstream moderate voters often sit out the primaries, believing that they can’t make a difference. ….But moderate voters have been unorganized and disincentivized. The primaries are where they can make the most difference!
Level Politics believes that we can empower voters and by doing so, help develop a new breed of political who is capable and bipartisan - and thereby able to solve big problems. Think of our long term outcomes as improving the country’s political talent pool.
What good is a politician?
Politicians are our elected managers of our government. Only through competitive elections can we elect increasingly talented people who grow into their jobs and get better at those jobs. We don’t want politicians who vote along party lines. Anyone could do that. When a politician always does, that is a sign that they are employees of the political party, not the voters - because they must have independent thoughts of their own sometimes. No?
Yet partisanship is what our system is currently incentivizes.
What if our politicians learned their jobs and shared with us why they voted against or for their parties? What if we believed that they were very capable people doing an outstanding job, and that every election they enjoyed our greater faith in their abilities? We all know people who do an outstanding job, better than we ever could, doing something that is important for us. One example is great elementary school teachers. Can we develop legislators who are as awe inspiring in their ability to get things done?
(If they are depressing hacks, we should primary them.)
What would those who died for our right to vote say?
What would Martin Luther King say about voters registering to the political party with whom they feel the most affinity, if registering with that party meant that the other party could largely disenfranchise them? Meanwhile, if they registered with the party that they feel is hurting them, they could seize the power of their vote back and effect needed change in America? We believe he and those who died for our rights would say, “Maximize the power of your vote! Your vote’s power is what we have struggled for. Use it wisely.”
What kind of organization is Level Politics and with whom do you work?
Level Politics is a political organization and as such, we registered as a political action committee. While democrats, republicans and independents are part of our organization, we do not coordinate our work with other organizations, even those who share one or more of our top priorities. Though we are glad when they highlight our work. And we are glad to highlight theirs. We certainly are not lead by political folks in the democratic or republican parties, or organizations that describe themselves as focused on change within one of the parties. For example, we don’t work with the Lincoln Project. At our core, we are independents who are leveraging the current political system, especially the very powerful primary system, to advance change. We are for the United States of America and the planet, not a political party.
How Level Politics will help
The first step towards our goal is to share information about how we the voters can better manage our government through our political registrations and primary voting. We believe we can show a new way to elect legislators.
But we have a long way to go………
Can we convince people to abandon their dogmatic political party registration to the party with which they find the greatest affinity? Can we convince moderate candidates to challenge the establishment politicians in both parties?
We believe we can. And that through a slightly different approach to registration and voting, we as a nation are closer to doing so that anyone realizes.
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